@article{AscoOrg-ID194, title = {Combinaisons nouvelles de Pezizales}, author = {Van Vooren, Nicolas}, journal = {Ascomycete.org}, issn = {2100-0840}, publisher = {Ascomycete.org}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {9--10}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.25664/art-0194}, url = {https://doi.org/10.25664/art-0194}, language = {french}, abstract = {Proposal of new combinations of some pezizalean species. Galactinia hypoleuca is combined in the genus Peziza Fr. s. lato, and illustrated microscopically after the revision of the holotype; Pachyphloeus oleiferus is combined in the genus Pachyphlodes Zobel; Pulvinula ovalispora is combined in the genus Boubovia Svrček; and Aleuria latispora is combined in the genus Melastiza Boud. Comments are provided for each species}}