@article{AscoOrg-ID151, title = {Lepidotia hispida: a spectacular member of the Pezizaceae}, author = {Van Vooren, Nicolas and Van den Berg-Blok, Anneke and Verkley, Gerard}, journal = {Ascomycete.org}, issn = {2100-0840}, publisher = {Ascomycete.org}, volume = {7}, number = {6}, pages = {303--306}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.25664/art-0151}, url = {https://doi.org/10.25664/art-0151}, language = {english}, abstract = {A recent collection of Lepidotia hispida (syn. Peziza quelepidotia), a very rare species, characterized in particular by stipitate ascomata, has been studied in depth. Description of macro- and micro-characters, illustrations, and comments are provided. Pure cultures have been obtained and deposited in the CBS Collection, and sequences deposited in GenBank}}