@article{AscoOrg-ID105, title = {Discinella meuriesii, an orthographic mistake for Discinella menziesii overlooked since 1917}, author = {Quijada, Luis and Valade, François and Baral, Hans-Otto and Beltrán-Tejera, Esperanza}, journal = {Ascomycete.org}, issn = {2100-0840}, publisher = {Ascomycete.org}, volume = {6}, number = {4}, pages = {87--88}, year = {2014}, doi = {10.25664/art-0105}, url = {https://doi.org/10.25664/art-0105}, language = {english}, abstract = {The name Discinella "meuriesii" is an incorrect spelling of Discinella menziesii. This misspelling has early been rectified, but was commonly overlooked or misunderstood by databases}}