@article{AscoOrg-ID67, title = {Description d’une récolte de Podospora australis, taxon rarement signalé, issue d’une station en pelouse sèche exceptionnellement riche en champignons coprophiles}, author = {Delpont, Michel}, journal = {Ascomycete.org}, issn = {2100-0840}, publisher = {Ascomycete.org}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {71--74}, year = {2012}, doi = {10.25664/art-0067}, url = {https://doi.org/10.25664/art-0067}, language = {french}, abstract = {The author presents a collection of Podospora australis (Sordariomycetes) made on an especially interesting location. He describes this station and tries to interpret the conditions in favour of the development of numerous interesting or rare coprophilous fungi}}