@article{AscoOrg-ID8, title = {Gyromitra geogenia, un discomycète rare, nouveau pour la flore mycologique du Monténégro}, author = {Perić, Branislav}, journal = {Ascomycete.org}, issn = {2100-0840}, publisher = {Ascomycete.org}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {17--24}, year = {2009}, doi = {10.25664/art-0008}, url = {https://doi.org/10.25664/art-0008}, language = {french}, abstract = {Gyromitra geogenia (E. Rahm ex Donadini) Harmaja is a new species of the Montenegrin mycological flora. We propose a description, illustrated by photographs made in situ, and drawings of microscopic features are given. We also propose some comments about its ecology and some taxonomic aspects}}